Wednesday, June 29, 2016

GREENLIT: Thank You, Everyone!

After almost a month on Steam, we are very proud to announce that Ley Lines has received its official greenlight! Miria Studios ( our LLC! ) would like to thank everyone who was involved in this entire Capstone process, from our fellow FIEAns, our awesome faculty advisers, and every single person who both visited & upvoted our Steam page. We couldn't have done this without any one of you. We'd also like to thank every member of Miria Studios for putting in such hard work these last six months and continuing to put their best foot forward in the last stretch of our production!

So. What has been going on in Ley Lines for this past month? Our Art Freeze is scheduled to happen between July 15 and July 20th. We're very close to completing this stretch of development!

Two of our biggest concentrations for these last few weeks has been both lighting and set dressing. These two qualities have really brought our environments - and the Ley Lines world as a whole - to life. Take a gander at the images for our last update before you take a peek at these updated stills!

Our boss - who we have affectionately nicknamed Brittney - has her rig completed! Her body animation will be done procedural through programming in-engine, so we could have her be infinitely long. She is currently being both textured & animated as we speak.

To add some further clarification & context behind the player's tasks in Ley Lines, we are planning to introduce 2D beginning & ending cinematics to our game! Here are our storyboards for the beginning snippet.

We have also focused our efforts into developing UI for our game, particularly our HUD.

There's a gem shape & color assigned to each Ley Line ability. The animation for health & the current power held by the player is being done through Adobe Flash and integrated into the Unreal engine!

We've also worked on some more minor UI, particularly screens for when the Ley Lines game starts up!

There's a lot more work being done behind the scenes for Ley Lines, but that's the bulk of it! Stay tuned for more updates. ♥

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Help us get Greenlit on Steam!

Updates have been a little scarce on this blog the further we get into development for the Ley Lines game. Production on this title has really taken off in these last months since we survived Vertical Slice! Clearly, it hasn't been all sunshine and kittens. This development environment - or rather, FIEA as a whole - has a very high development speed. As a team, we have definitely felt the crunch of hours, heavy workload, and uncertainty of how to effectively schedule everything - all while trying our best to keep as amicable of an environment as possible. Somehow we have managed to push through every obstacle that has come our way.

As we approach the last leg of the Ley Lines game development, this is where you come in. We have submitted our game on Steam and we're hoping to get greenlit very soon! As of writing this, we have about 215 up votes on our title. Help us achieve our Greenlight!

Here are some production images of the current state of our game!